Find out about the terribly twisty mystery movie (try saying that three times fast), a tool to see your writing without words, and stand up comedy, except it’s maths.
Wait But Why?

Wait But Why is one of the best blogs on the internet, hands down. Coupled with funny stick figures, Tim Urban's writing sends you down rabbit holes and deep dives into every interesting topic imaginable - from AI to philosophy to human nature. No joke, this guy's blog was partially why I decided to start my own.
You might also know him from the most watched Ted Talk - Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator. These are two of my favourite articles from WBW: Your Life in Weeks & Elon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man, but if they’re too long for your taste, you can also check out his mini posts.
On The Media by Brooke Gladstone

Let me get right to the point: this is such a good non fiction book that I’m re-reading it, right after the first read.
It’s like it was written for us - not only is it a comic and very engaging, it also ties in many of the topics that we’ve been learning about from Y8-Y9. WWII, bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, objectivity in journalism, the Cold War, human rights etc. I find it delightful when academic knowledge actually proves useful, like when I was reading this book. Not only that, it provides an alternate perspective on what we’ve been learning, which is refreshing and insightful, to say the least.
It’s definitely made me more conscious about how I consume media and content. I’ve been actively trying to not get stuck in an echo chamber for opinions, and researching what opposing sides think. I don’t know how long this will last, but hopefully, forever, because this is a skill and awareness that everyone living in the modern age should have.
So what are you waiting for? You can borrow it at the LRC today!
Tom's Newsletter

Tom Scott's YT channel can be summarised as 'interesting stuff, mostly sciencey, but often not'. His weekly newsletter is my main source for discovering random things on the internet - even The Eternal Jukebox.
It’s a portal to articles, videos, web toys and news from all over the internet. It’s like seeing the internet through someone else’s eyes, and there’s always something new to discover.
You can sign up here.
Stand-Up Maths

I like maths, but I don't like maths class. If you can relate, this channel is for you. If you like all maths whatsoever, you probably already know Matt Parker. And if you don't like maths, this channel will make you love it.
Some of my favourite videos:
Knives Out

This is such a brilliant movie, no doubt one of the best mystery films I've ever watched. The plot twists are actually redonkulous. Any Agatha Christie fans out there? This is as good as her books, except it’s actually an original screenplay. Plus, we get to see Chris Evans finally play someone that’s not Captain America, which is refreshing.
That’s it. If I say anymore, it’s a spoiler.
Do yourself a favor and please watch it, I swear you will not regret it.
Just The Punctuation

A fun little tool to see how your writing appears when everything is stripped off...except for the punctuation.
This is a project by Clive Thompson, and you can find more about it here, along with some excerpts from famous books in only their glorious punctuation.
You'll be surprised at how much you can learn from just the punctuation; it’s like seeing a secret writing style. Put in some of your own writing - what do you notice? How about some text messages vs your English essay?
I hope you’ve found something fun from this article - until next week!