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Surviving IGCSE

Andrea Yip

You before using these tips.

Let’s not make this complicated. You clicked on this article wanting to improve your scores, I wrote this article telling you exactly how to do that. As the proud owner of a few 9s in IGCSE, I think I’m qualified enough to share some tips on how I got them. Take these comments with as much salt as you’d like. In the end, these are what got me through exam season.

In order to keep a bit of organization, I’ve grouped these tips into three categories: Preparing, Planning, and Focusing. Each heading contains three tips. 


Let’s begin with Preparing, an essential thing to do before you start revising (or cramming.)

Take your class notes by hand.

I KNOW this might not be everyone’s cup of tea. I understand that writing can be tedious and makes your hand hurt. However, it comes in handy when you’re not feeling your best in class, or your attention is drifting off somewhere. Typing to me feels extremely mindless- especially when you know how to touch type. It’s easy to just click keys, as opposed to actually scribbling information out. Even if you don’t know what you’re actually writing down, I feel that muscle memory allows me to be more familiar with these topics when I’m revising.

When in doubt, use a master doc.

I do love using Google Docs to revise. Those messy class notes can be easily transcribed into clear, neat outlines- and copying them out again takes no time at all. Plus, our brain loves colours, so changing fonts and shadows and things makes it happy. A digital master doc makes an accessible resource to bring everywhere on the go, and it’s wonderful for last-minute panicking as you’re walking up the hill to school.

Don’t overprepare.

It’s tempting to have a thousand tabs open just for one topic. Although it’s important to cross-reference your sources while trying to understand information, I find having too many sources at my disposal at once to be counterproductive. Find a resource that consistently works for you, like Cognito, Save My Exams or the textbook. However, don’t jump around too much or you’ll end up writing down things that aren’t relevant to the syllabus at all. 


Next, we have Planning, structuring how the revision process is going to go.

Know your subject.

One approach for a subject might not work for another. Let’s use writing subjects as an example. While rereading, annotating and highlighting a model piece might work for History or English, it won’t work for the sciences. STEM subjects primarily work best when you’re doing practice questions and papers, not just sitting there without active recall. By using the correct technique, you’ll increase your productivity to soaring rates.

Write down important dates ahead of time.

This helps lessen panic. It’s horrible when you’ve planned out a full day of revising, and then your mom springs a dentist’s visit or family dinner on you (Trust me, it’s happened to me before.) By keeping a simple calendar on Notion or Google Calendar, it could save you so much grief in the long run. In addition, keeping a habit of recording important events comes in handy with homework, as you won’t be surprised by any deadlines.

A free organization template from

Change up your location. 

If you’re used to studying in your room, go to the living room and study (and vice versa.) A change of environment can change up a monotonous routine and leave you feeling like a fresh breath of air. Adapting to a new environment also improves your chances of being able to work in a different location like an exam hall. This also decreases your chances of being distracted by random things like temperature changes or people going in and out. 


Finally, we have Focusing, tips on how to improve productivity while actually studying.

Be flexible.

Recognize when you’re not in the mood for a certain habit and switch it. Tired of reading lines of text? Find a YouTube video to take notes to instead, where you can hear audio input and an actual human relaying information to you. Tired of using flashcards for hours? Put them down and teach the concept you’re memorizing to your wall, explaining stuff like you’re babying a child. (Feynman Technique) I find that having multiple ways to revise prevents boredom and drifting off.

Use procrastination to your advantage.

If you just don’t feel like doing ONE particular, nasty task, trick yourself into completing ‘less tedious’ smaller tasks. As an example, when I didn’t want to revise for my Maths Paper 2, I’d fool myself into memorizing a few World Lit Paper 3 quotes because it was a task I found less annoying. This way, you’re always doing something, even if it doesn’t feel like much. However, don’t put off the task too late, or you’ll find yourself acting like me with my Maths Paper 2 in the exam hall. 

Rest or work.

In short, this is a ‘do or don’t’ mentality. We have moments where we simply CANNOT work. That’s fine. But don’t end up scrolling through Reels for the entire afternoon. Instead, do something that feels like actual self-care, like taking a long hot shower, making your favorite ramen, or going on a walk. This way, you’re recharging your body for more revising in the future. Gaming or going on social media is so addictive, and it’s hard to not pick up your phone during a break- but active rest is better for you in the long run.


In conclusion, I hope you find these tips useful. A last word of advice, ALWAYS ASK FOR HELP. I don’t care if it’s your parents, online, or your neighbor’s dog: as long as they can help you in some way, it’s never too late or too shameful to consult someone. Suffering through a paper is even more embarrassing than emailing your teacher - suck it up.

Good luck!

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