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Writer's pictureAnahita Labh

Miserable Books To Make You Cry

I don't cry at books, or films, or songs. Call me a heartless maniac if you will. If I did, I'd waste a lot of tissues. But anyways... why cry over springtime romances you'll never have when you could cry over books instead? Arguably more fun. These are the top ten books that made me so miserable, I cried on the inside for days. And no, they're not love stories. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Story Of A Shipwrecked Sailor - Gabriel García Márquez

This book has a very long, very fitting name. The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor: Who Drifted on a Life Raft for Ten Days Without Food Or Water, was Proclaimed a National Hero, Kissed by Beauty Queens, Made Rich Through Publicity, and Then Spurned by the Government and Forgotten for All Time. Believe it or not, this is based on a true story. Embarking on a literary journey with Márquez is akin to stepping onto a desolate path, where emotions cascade like raindrops on a sorrowful day. In the clutches of Velasco's shipwreck, we traverse a landscape of cruel forces and the poignant solitude of his predicament. This tale becomes a haunting metaphor, a fragile vessel adrift upon the boundless sea of human existence. The vast expanse mirrors our overwhelming isolation, a reminder of our insignificance in the face of relentless tides. It's a sombre exploration, an elegy for the human spirit ensnared in unyielding adversity. Hunger gnaws, thirst parches, and time's relentless passage leaves us gasping for solace.

"The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor" plunges us into the depths of despair, where Marquez's prose weaves a tapestry of heart-wrenching beauty. Each word resonates with the anguish and desperation that Velasco endures, tugging at the very core of our being. The isolation and vulnerability he faces strike a haunting chord, revealing the profound loneliness that accompanies such dire circumstances. Through Velasco's suffering, Marquez delves into the themes of mortality, human frailty, and the overwhelming power of nature. It's a stark reminder, a bitter taste of our own mortality and the ephemeral nature of life. As Velasco grapples with physical and emotional torment, his story becomes a melancholic reflection upon the human condition and the relentless march of time.

Within the pages of "The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor," Marquez's mastery evokes profound emotions, casting a sombre spell upon our souls. His words become ethereal brushstrokes, painting a desolate seascape that immerses us in Velasco's despair. It's a melancholic journey, an invitation to wander through the labyrinth of introspection, where contemplation on the fragility of existence intertwines with the shadows of our deepest sorrows.

The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

Hosseini, a master of weaving heart-rending narratives that leave an indelible mark on the soul, invites you to immerse yourself in a world of anguish and despair, where tears flow freely and hearts tremble with every turn of the page. Brace yourself, dear reader, for a journey that will test the limits of your emotions, as you traverse the treacherous terrain of Amir's life—a young boy navigating the labyrinthine alleys of Afghanistan's tumultuous history. Clutch those tear-stained pages tightly, for within them lies a tale that will captivate and haunt you.

"The Kite Runner," a magnum opus of melancholy, unfolds with Hosseini's deft pen painting a canvas of emotions that resonates long after the final chapter. Prepare to be swept away by the tumultuous currents of guilt and remorse that course through the narrative, plunging you into an ocean of sorrow. Through the prism of Amir's perspective, you bear witness to the cataclysmic aftermath of his choices, watching as the ripples of his actions reverberate through the lives of those entwined in his web. The tempestuous winds of betrayal, guilt, and the inexorable consequences of their actions tear through the fabric of Amir's existence, leaving him grappling with the fragments of a shattered friendship and the weight of his own conscience.

As the story spans the expanse of decades, you are transported from the sun-kissed streets of Kabul, where childhood innocence danced upon the breeze, to the unfamiliar shores of America, where Amir seeks solace and redemption. The threads of the narrative intertwine with the rich tapestry of history, as Afghanistan undergoes turbulent transformations, its people caught in the grip of war and political upheaval. It is against this backdrop that Hosseini explores the profound impact of missed opportunities, shattered relationships, and the elusive pursuit of atonement.

"The Kite Runner" unflinchingly tackles heavy themes that resonate with the human experience. Violence, discrimination, and the loss of innocence cast their long shadows upon the narrative, demanding introspection and contemplation. Each page reveals the fragile nature of existence, urging readers to question the meaning of their own lives and grapple with the complexities of morality. It is a tale that refuses to shy away from the raw, unfiltered emotions that accompany the human condition.

So, dear reader, gather your courage and embark upon this literary odyssey, armed with a box of tissues and an open heart. Prepare to be swept away by Hosseini's lyrical prose, which dances upon the precipice of sorrow and hope. Allow yourself to be immersed in the depths of Amir's journey, for in his story lies a poignant reflection of our shared humanity—a reminder that redemption, though elusive, is a pursuit worth undertaking.

A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini

Hosseini, the maestro of melancholy, extends a sorrowful hand and beckons us to step into the lives of Mariam and Laila, where their existence is woven into a tapestry drenched in resilience and heartache. From the very first brushstroke, our hearts tremble as we bear witness to the relentless cruelty and injustice that society mercilessly hurls upon these women, starkly reminding us of the agonising realities endured by many. Prepare yourself, dear reader, for within the unfolding of their narratives, you shall be submerged in a world where love, sacrifice, and unfathomable suffering dance together, precariously balanced on a tightrope of despair.

A Thousand Splendid Suns, an ethereal opus, delves deep into the core of human emotion, plunging into the depths of love, loss, and the unwavering power of the human spirit. Hosseini's evocative prose, like a mournful dirge, possesses the mystical ability to transport you to a realm where hope flickers like a fragile flame, casting its trembling light upon the shadows of desolation. Brace yourself, for you shall be confronted with the unyielding realities of domestic abuse, the weight of societal expectations that bear down upon weary shoulders, and the profound sacrifices made in the name of love—those sacrifices that carve scars upon the soul.

In this symphony of emotions, every note resonates with a poignant melody, each word a tear-stained verse that leaves you simultaneously shattered and inspired. Hosseini's narrative prowess, like a master conductor, ensures that every page is drenched in an exquisite blend of joy and sorrow, as if weaving the strands of a haunting melody that echoes through the chambers of your heart. Here, amidst the desolation, you shall bear witness to the fragile beauty that emerges from the depths of despair, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, fragile yet unyielding.

Dear reader, gird your heart with fortitude, for you are about to embark upon an extraordinary journey that will etch an indelible mark upon the depths of your soul. With each turn of the page, allow the weight of their burdens to seep into your being, to immerse yourself in their anguish and find solace in their moments of fleeting respite. Mariam and Laila's intertwined lives shall become a testament to the strength found amidst the labyrinthine corridors of oppression, where their bond transcends the realm of ordinary friendship, and they discover solace, solidarity, and the profound power of sisterhood amidst the chaos that ensnares them.

Yet, in the midst of their shared struggles, tragedy strikes with a merciless hand, threatening to shatter the fragile remnants of their spirits. The weight of their circumstances, like an avalanche of sorrow, threatens to crush their very essence, leaving them gasping for breath in the oppressive darkness. Prepare yourself, dear reader, to be immersed in their despair, to navigate the treacherous depths of their sorrow, and to witness the indomitable spirit that flickers even in the face of insurmountable odds.

So, with a heavy heart and a soul ready to be pierced by the poignant beauty of their existence, embark upon this extraordinary odyssey. Let the tears flow, mingling with the ink upon the page, as you traverse the labyrinth of Mariam and Laila's lives, for it is in their harrowing journey that you shall find fragments of your own humanity. Their tale, bittersweet and achingly resonant, shall leave an indelible mark upon the tapestry of your being, forever reminding you of the fragile strength that resides within the human soul.

The Book Thief - Markus Zusak

Okay, this one has romantic undertones, but that’s not the focus of the book. Zusak, a master of storytelling, wields his pen with a spellbinding grace, drawing us inexorably into the world of Liesel, a young girl whose life is irrevocably altered by the harrowing grip of war. With each stroke of his narrative brush, he unveils a tumultuous landscape, a Nazi Germany where shadows loom and innocence is shattered. Liesel, a beacon of courage and resilience, emerges as our guide, leading us through a labyrinth of despair and discovery.

In the midst of this bleak landscape, Liesel discovers a remarkable solace within the stolen words of books, forging an extraordinary alliance with the very essence of literature itself. Through her eyes, we bear witness to the transformative power of stories, how they can become life rafts in a sea of chaos, offering solace, escape, and even defiance against the darkness that surrounds. Zusak's prose breathes life into the pages, each word an incantation that echoes with the indomitable spirit of the human soul.

But within the profound beauty Liesel's journey unveils, tragedy strikes with an unrelenting force, leaving scars upon her heart that cannot be erased. Zusak's narrative genius lies in his ability to capture the tender moments of human connection amidst the ravages of despair. As Liesel's world crumbles around her, the bonds she forms with those who share her path—her foster parents, her best friend Rudy, and a Jewish refugee named Max—become beacons of hope in a world consumed by the fires of hatred.

The Book Thief, a hauntingly sad tome, bears the weight of loss, grief, and the fragile nature of existence upon its every page. Zusak's words paint a stark portrait of humanity's capacity for both cruelty and compassion, forcing us to confront the darkest corners of our own hearts. In the midst of the devastation wrought by war, the narrative delves deep into themes of mortality, the profound power of storytelling, and the unyielding spirit that resides within the human soul.

Prepare yourself, dear reader, for an emotional journey that will mercilessly tear at the fabric of your being. Zusak, with his masterful storytelling, guides us through a tale that will leave us breathless, our hearts burdened by the weight of Liesel's experiences. The Book Thief stands as a masterpiece of sorrow and resilience, an enduring testament to the power of literature and the unbreakable bonds that are forged amidst the chaos of war. As you turn each page, be prepared to be enveloped by a tapestry of emotions, to have tears mingle with ink, and to emerge forever changed, carrying the echoes of Liesel's story within the depths of your soul.

The Color Purple - Alice Walker

It kills me to write ‘colour’ instead of ‘colour’. But anyways, The Color Purple weaves a tapestry of sorrow and resilience, its threads intricately intertwining to form the story of Celie, a young African-American woman in the early 20th century South. Through the medium of heartfelt letters, Celie bares her soul, sharing the painful journey of her life, marked by the cruel hand of oppression and the relentless weight of societal norms. Yet, within the darkness, glimmers of hope emerge as Celie forms profound connections with other women, illuminating the path toward her own self-discovery and liberation.

Alice Walker's prose, like an artist's brush, paints a vivid portrait of the human experience, unafraid to delve into the depths of despair and confront the scars left by abuse and discrimination. Each word resonates with a rawness that pierces the heart, exposing the wounds inflicted by a system of oppression that leaves lasting imprints on the spirit. Celie's resilience, like a fragile flame flickering against a bitter wind, stands as a testament to the indomitable strength that resides within the human soul. Her journey, a tumultuous dance of self-acceptance and empowerment, is equal parts inspiring and heart-wrenching.

The Color Purple is a profound exploration of anguish, peeling back the layers of generations of suffering to lay bare the depths of human pain. Walker's words evoke a visceral response, as if her prose reaches out and touches the reader's very core. Prepare yourself, for tears shall flow as you bear witness to the trials and triumphs of Celie and the women who inhabit this unforgettable narrative. With every page turned, you shall feel the weight of their burden, the longing for love and acceptance, and the relentless pursuit of self-worth.

Walker's unflinching portrayal of the human condition leaves an indelible mark upon the reader's soul, etching empathy and understanding into the very fabric of their being. The Color Purple stands as a testament to the enduring power of love, resilience, and self-discovery. It lays bare the heartbreaking truths of a society steeped in prejudice, while simultaneously lifting the spirits with its celebration of the human spirit's unwavering determination to rise above adversity.

Prepare yourself, dear reader, for within the pages of this literary masterpiece, you shall embark upon an emotional odyssey. You will confront the darkest corners of the human experience, where pain and suffering reside, intertwined with moments of profound beauty and profound connection. As you turn the final page, you will carry with you a profound sense of empathy, a deep appreciation for the strength of the human spirit, and a renewed understanding of the transformative power of love and resilience. The Color Purple beckons you to immerse yourself in its melancholic embrace, knowing that within its depths, you will discover a profound truth that will forever shape your perception of the human condition.

The Outsider - Albert Camus

Buckle up for the philosophical rollercoaster of existentialism. If you don’t end up in a crisis by the end of this book, Camus will be rolling around in his grave. The Outsider introduces us to Meursault, a mysterious and detached protagonist who finds himself entangled in the intricate web of life's absurdities. The story begins with Meursault attending his mother's funeral, and from there, we are drawn into his detached and apathetic perspective on life. As the narrative unfolds, Meursault's actions become increasingly unconventional, defying societal norms and leading him into a trial that challenges not only his morality but also the very foundations of human judgement. This novel's inherent sadness lies in its profound exploration of the human condition and the alienation that arises from existing in a world devoid of inherent meaning.

Albert Camus delves deep into themes of isolation, indifference, and the quest for purpose in a seemingly indifferent universe. Through his spare yet evocative prose, Camus captures the essence of Meursault's detachment and the philosophical underpinnings of the narrative. The melancholic undertones of the book arise from the profound sense of isolation it evokes and the lingering questions it leaves in its wake.

Prepare yourself to be fully immersed in Meursault's disquieting world, where the search for meaning takes centre stage. Camus fearlessly challenges conventional expectations of morality and societal norms, inviting readers to confront their own existential dilemmas and grapple with the absurdity of existence itself. The Outsider is a complex work that forces us to examine the nature of our own lives and the foundations upon which we build our understanding of the world.

Camus' thought-provoking exploration of existential themes, coupled with his unapologetic portrayal of Meursault as an outsider in society, leaves an indelible mark on the reader's consciousness. The book's haunting melancholy and lingering sense of unease will stay with you long after you turn the final page. The Outsider is a profound reflection on the intricacies of existence, leaving no stone unturned in its exploration of life's inherent absurdities. Camus' philosophical musings and Meursault's enigmatic journey will leave you contemplating the nature of existence, the boundaries of morality, and the elusive search for meaning in a world that often defies comprehension.

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath

Ready to plunge into the depths of despair and introspection about the sad reality of womanhood and mental health? Good, me too. The Bell Jar introduces us to Esther Greenwood, a young and talented woman on the brink of adulthood. Through her eyes, we witness a harrowing descent into the depths of depression and the overwhelming disillusionment that engulfs her. Sylvia Plath's unyielding portrayal of Esther's inner turmoil and the challenges she faces in a society that demands conformity is both poignant and deeply unsettling. This profoundly sad book captures the raw reality of mental illness with unwavering honesty, delving into the depths of despair and the stifling weight of societal expectations.

Plath's exquisite prose weaves a vivid tapestry of Esther's isolation and her struggle to carve out her own place in a world that seems determined to crush her spirit. With every turn of the page, we are confronted with the weight of her despair, as she grapples with questions of self-worth and battles the suffocating bell jar that encloses her existence.

The Bell Jar stands as a testament to Plath's literary prowess, as she fearlessly explores the complexities of mental health and the devastating impact of societal pressures on the fragile human psyche. Through Esther's journey, readers are confronted with the harsh realities of depression, the fragility of the mind, and the stigmatisation that surrounds mental illness.

Prepare yourself for an emotional roller coaster as you navigate this melancholic tale, guided by Plath's evocative and poetic language. The Bell Jar is a profoundly introspective work that leaves an indelible mark on the reader's soul, provoking deep reflection on themes of identity, the pressures of conformity, and the delicate balance between sanity and madness.

Do not shy away from the darkness within "The Bell Jar." Embrace the melancholy and allow yourself to be fully immersed in Plath's haunting exploration of the human psyche. However, it is important to have moments of solace and hope nearby, as this journey through despair may leave you yearning for a glimmer of light amidst the darkness. So, prepare a comforting cup of tea, find a cosy corner, and embark on this introspective odyssey that will resonate with you long after you have turned the final page.

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

I both sympathise and empathise with our protagonist. This is one of those books where you alternate between “oh my god, that’s so me” and “holy hell, are you okay?” The Perks Of Being A Wallflower introduces us to Charlie, a socially introverted and keenly observant teenager who grapples with the complexities of high school life. Through a series of deeply personal letters, Charlie opens up to an unknown recipient, sharing his experiences, thoughts, and emotions, providing an intimate glimpse into his world. Stephen Chbosky's narrative captures the universal struggles of adolescence—the yearning for acceptance, the search for identity, and the innate desire to find a place of belonging. 

As Charlie becomes entwined with a group of misfit friends, including the magnetic Sam and the enigmatic Patrick, he embarks on a transformative journey that challenges his perceptions, exposes him to new experiences, and compels him to confront the buried demons within himself. 

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower delves into themes of mental health, trauma, and the intricate process of growing up. It explores the significance of empathy, acceptance, and the profound influence of human connection in navigating life's challenges. Chbosky's prose is deeply introspective and emotionally resonant, capturing the raw emotions and vulnerabilities of adolescence with remarkable sensitivity and authenticity. 

This bittersweet novel carries a tinge of sadness as it grapples with the painful realities of Charlie's past and the obstacles he faces in the present. It is a story that will make you laugh, cry, and reflect on your own teenage years, reminding us of the profound impact that friendships and self-discovery can have in shaping our lives. 

Prepare to be swept away by the heartfelt journey of Charlie and his friends as they navigate the trials and tribulations of adolescence. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower stands as a testament to the power of storytelling, the resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative effect that genuine connections can have on our lives. It is a book that will linger in your heart, reminding you of the profound significance of understanding, compassion, and the indelible mark left by the formative years of youth.

Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro

Probably the most out-of-place novel on this list. Because it's dystopian. Never Let Me Go is a captivating narrative that seamlessly weaves together elements of science fiction with a poignant exploration of love, identity, and the human condition. In this haunting novel, we are introduced to Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy—three friends who share a unique bond as they grow up together in the peculiar boarding school known as Hailsham. As they navigate the complexities of their friendships and the challenges of adolescence, they gradually come to understand the true purpose of their existence and the fate that awaits them.

Kazuo Ishiguro's masterful storytelling gradually unravels a society where clones, referred to as "donors," are created with the sole purpose of providing vital organs for others. Through Kathy's introspective narrative, we bear witness to the characters' struggle to comprehend their identities, find their place in the world, and come to terms with the inevitability of their predetermined destinies.

This profoundly poignant book delves into themes of mortality, the ethical implications of science and technology, and the consequences of playing god. Ishiguro's prose is beautifully understated, capturing the quiet desperation and resignation that permeate the lives of Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy. Their search for meaning and connection in a world that treats them as disposable objects evokes a mix of heart-wrenching emotions and thought-provoking contemplation.

Never Let Me Go serves as a profound reflection on what it truly means to be human, challenging the boundaries of compassion and the moral dilemmas that arise when society devalues certain lives. It explores the profound impact of love, friendship, and the inevitability of loss in a world where one's fate is predetermined. 

Prepare to have your emotions stirred as Ishiguro's novel compels you to confront profound ethical questions while following the poignant journey of Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy. Never Let Me Go is a haunting meditation on the indomitable human spirit, the fragility of life, and the enduring power of hope even in the face of an inevitable and tragic fate. It is a book that will leave an indelible mark on your soul, urging you to ponder the profound questions it raises long after you have turned the final page.

The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt

If you’ve read any more of Donna Tartt’s three works, you know how they go. They all open with “Somebody has died! And not naturally!” This is the same. The Goldfinch takes readers on a haunting journey, delving deep into the labyrinthine corridors of the art world and the shattered existence of young Theo Decker. Forever altered by the detonation of a devastating bomb at a museum, Theo clings to a priceless painting like a lifeline, setting in motion a turbulent odyssey that echoes the ebb and flow of a sorrowful symphony. In this coming-of-age tale, stolen art intertwines with existential anguish, painting a portrait of a world absurd and suffused with melancholy.

Donna Tartt's masterful storytelling transcends the boundaries of reality, weaving a tapestry that melds the grotesque absurdity of life with the weight of irreparable loss and regret. Pippa, the unattainable object of Theo's affections, emerges as a mirage in the desolate expanse of his existence, forever beyond his trembling grasp. Their connection, like a fleeting glimpse of sunlight through storm clouds, remains tantalisingly out of reach, leaving Theo perpetually yearning for something just beyond his fingertips. Amidst the wreckage of tragedy, The Goldfinch explores the ephemeral nature of existence and the fragile resilience of the human spirit. It serves as a solemn reminder that even in the face of overwhelming sorrow, moments of absurdity and dark humour can emerge, casting flickering shadows upon the path of despair.

Tartt's prose dances upon the precipice of despair, delicately delineating the contours of Theo's sorrow with poetic precision. Her words, like tear-stained brushstrokes on a canvas, unveil profound insights amidst the swirling chaos and pervasive sadness. Each page reveals a tapestry interwoven with laughter and tears, where one might find themselves caught in a paradoxical embrace of raucous mirth and tender anguish. It is a bittersweet pilgrimage that beckons contemplation of life's inexplicable twists, evoking both a rueful smile and a tender ache deep within the recesses of the soul.

The Goldfinch stands as a testament to the transformative power of storytelling, inviting readers to embark upon a waltz of emotions where laughter and tears entwine like spectral dancers on a moonlit ballroom floor. It encourages introspection upon the profound absurdities that permeate existence, guiding us through the labyrinthine corridors of Theo's life, where the strange and the humorous intertwine in a macabre waltz. Brace yourself for an emotional odyssey that will wrench your heart and leave you with a heightened understanding of life's intricacies, a renewed reverence for its fleeting moments, and a wistful smile for the poignant absurdities that render existence all the more extraordinary.


So, dear reader, I hope you’ve found something here to your liking. Books may well be the only true magic. Crisp pages and ink-stained dreams, books breathe life into the weary soul, offering solace, wisdom, and boundless worlds to explore. In their embrace, we find a reason to live, to dream, and to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Read. Go forth and read.

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